How to start your personal website
Nowadays having a website is essential for business, but it can even benefit you to boost your professional career. The truth is that when I set up my personal blog, more than two years ago now, I never thought how far it would take me, and in fact it did not involve a great effort, neither financially nor in time. Therefore, in this article I want to talk about some tricks to have a personal website and to boost your career.

Making a good personal web page and having a networking strategy
Nowadays you do not need extensive knowledge about coding to be able to make an eye-catching website. You simply need access to a good content manager, which will help you set up your site. I always recommend WordPress, as it is without a doubt the easiest CMS to learn how to use. Thanks to its system of templates, free and premium, and the infinity of plugins that exist, you can achieve just what you want, I assure you.
A good personal website must have four main elements to be successful:
A responsive and eye-catching design. Remember that almost all users are studying through their cell phones and want to get new information about their areas of interest quickly and easily.
A section where you tell your story, your motivation and your goals. There is no better resume than your own page. Make the most of it.

Industry blog. If you want to differentiate yourself, having a regularly updated blog will help you a lot. Thousands of people may have your CV, but a blog, where you provide news of the sector, that is what really differentiates you.
A good social networking strategy to be able to get the information to potential profiles. It is always advisable to use Linkedin and Facebook, but you have to look for networks that fit your professional profile.
After you have your personal web page, you will only have the strategy left
After having a good web page, you will be able to make a good strategy with all the elements at your disposal. The first thing you should do is to analyze the niche of people you plan to reach, at what times they connect, what they want and what they might be looking for.
Remember that every digital business is a product and should be treated as such. Analyze the opportunities, strengths, weaknesses and threats that yours has and also analyze your competition. This way, you will be able to establish better strategies and social media campaigns to attract consumers.
In my case, there have been more than 3000 people who have visited my personal website, and the statistics keep growing, that is my motivation to keep writing. If you notice that you are stagnant at the work level, do not hesitate to take a chance with this strategy, which will surely help you climb to the next step.
I hope this article about setting up your own personal website will help you. If you have already done it, and you need some advice, don’t hesitate to write me. I will try to help you and guide you based on my experience.
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