Without a logo there is no brand. Regardless of the type of business you undertake, the company logo will be the true visual representation of your brand. It is what will differentiate you from the competition and will influence how consumers will feel about your company in general. In case you decide to create an e-commerce, besides, the logo may become a decisive factor in the emotional response of the buyers.
You cannot spend countless hours deciding how to create your online store, come up with the name and slogan of your brand and then design a logo just to get by. Just as important as having a business plan before setting up your online business, is to create a good logo for your business.
The logo is not only the visual representation of a brand, but it also helps the public remember and recognize the name, slogan or even the brand message at a glance. In fact, it has been proven that 40% of people remember better what they see and not what they read or hear.
Now that you have understood the commercial importance of logos, we will explain the characteristics of a logo:
Characteristics that a good logo must have
“Simplicity is the key to true elegance” said Coco Chanel. To work, a logo must be elegant and attractive but not complicated. An overloaded design, full of graphic elements and colors is undoubtedly eye-catching but will it have any effect on the collective memory? Most likely, it will be forgotten in a short time.
The simpler your logo design is, the easier it will be to be installed in the consumer’s imagination. In fact, if we think about it, many of the brands that come to mind in the first place usually have minimalist logos.
Although it may sound cliché, a good logo must be original. As experts in design and brand creation, we must insist on this point: as in any creation process, originality is the key to success. An original design will differentiate you from the rest and, when it comes to e-commerce, this quality becomes essential. That is why it is so important to invest in creating a company logo.
The originality of your logo will determine whether the public will remember you and differentiate you from the competition. Therefore, before designing your logo, remember that the line separating inspiration from plagiarism is very thin, avoid crossing it!
Although it may seem easy, the design of a good logo requires a good investment of time. Time to research, time to contrast ideas and, above all, time to understand the brand values and identity, identify the target public and decide where we want to position ourselves. In this sense, your business logo must be consistent with the company’s philosophy and be in line with the values you want to transmit. This is fundamental to understand the role the logo plays not only in the marketing strategy, but also in the overall success of the company.
One of the most used ways to align the design with the brand values is color. However, we must be very careful in this step: the choice of color will depend on what the public associates with our brand. Clear examples are Coca-Cola, which chooses red for its association with values such as vitality and youth, or Wix, which uses white, gray and black to convey seriousness, elegance, minimalism and intelligence.
Common mistakes you should avoid
Now that you are clear about the 3 fundamental requirements that a logo must meet, it is time to list everything you should NOT do when creating your online store’s logo:
Follow trends – a logo must be timeless. It is true that it is important to be aware of design trends, but if you want your brand to last over time, you cannot afford to have your logo expire every 6 months.
Home-made designs – you may not be bad at drawing pictures in Paint but, in case you haven’t realized it yet, a logo is serious business. Find a professional platform that allows you to create a real corporate logo.
Choosing the logo just for the color – as we have said before, a color is much more than a shade, it can convey values and messages of your brand. If the connotations of the color you choose are not in line with your company’s values, disaster is assured.
Copying the competition – Imitating another company’s logo or creating a design “based on” or very similar does not mean that you will achieve the same success and recognition that your competitors enjoy. At best, you can be sued for plagiarism. Learn from a competitor’s success yes, copy never!
Is it possible to change the logo?
Many entrepreneurs and small companies ask themselves this question. As we mentioned before, the logo of our company should be timeless, that is to say, without expiration date. However, times move on and the aesthetic canons change, so our answer to this complicated question is: “change NO but evolve YES”.
One of the keys for a business to last over time is its ability to adapt to technological advances and changes in the tastes of its target audience, without losing its essence or the values that have defined it for many years. Hence the importance of design versatility.
Many transformations have been undergone by most of the logos of well-known companies; however, the evolution has been so natural that you have probably not noticed them. This is the case of companies such as Google, Iberia or Wix, whose logos have been changing gradually, but without losing their soul.
How to create a logo for your online store
Now that you’re clear that a logo should be simple, memorable, timeless, consistent and versatile, it’s time to get down to work. Once you’re clear on what products you’re going to sell or if you want to connect your online store to a print-on-demand provider like Printful, the next step is to find a logo maker that will give you the freedom you need to design the logo that most closely matches your brand.
While there are many options on the market for creating free business logos, the Wix logo maker is the most complete, intuitive and effective solution on the market, regardless of your level of design knowledge or the type of business you need the logo for.
The creation process is based on an artificial intelligence program. You just have to answer a few questions about the type of business, brand name and values you want to convey and the algorithm will generate several sketches of logos that might fit what you are looking for. Once you choose the one you like the most, you can start customizing it in the editor. From the font, sizes, colors and even the icons, you can adjust or change everything until you reach the final result.
For example, if you are creating the logo of your clothing store, besides customizing the color palette, the font and the size of each element, you can also add an icon related to fashion.
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