Social networks are platforms that never go out of fashion. There are currently more than 800 million users actively using Instagram according to Brandwatch research and every second there are six new accounts on Facebook.
The massive and daily use of social networks has meant that these channels are useful for many objectives and are used for purposes such as making timely decisions regarding the sales process, making user-oriented marketing or generating a closer relationship between brand and end user.
Achieve greater reach
Perform customer service actions
Increase traffic to your web pages
Increase the number of conversions
Create brand recognition
These are some of the advantages of social media in the business world. It is especially useful for small online stores and companies that have online sales.
Tips to increase your online sales through social networks
Your main goal is to increase your online sales through these platforms, but to get more conversions you need a firm strategy, a lot of analysis and good content that includes the keywords your audience is searching for what you offer.
Choose the right social platforms
Before jumping into the world of social networks to increase your online sales without knowing how each one works, you have to be clear that each platform has a target audience, and that depending on the business you have you will have to start with one social network or another. Where are your consumers? Facebook? Instagram? Facebook and Instagram?
When you start with strategies on social channels you have to start with those that are sure to reach your audience. Spend time defining your buyer persona (your ideal customer) and creating your space on a network. Each of the social networks involves an extra effort when it comes to generating content, updating, analyzing… that’s why you should go slowly, without jumping into the pool.

Create a community on your social networks
But beyond Facebook or Instagram ads, users on social networks like to feel part of a community. Analyze social networks every day or every week, research posts and interact with your followers to create community: answer their comments, answer their questions and thank them for sharing your content with their followers.
This way you will show that you care about your followers and potential customers, so you will generate trust and they will feel more confident when buying your products or hiring your company’s services.
Some of the actions you can take to build closer relationships with your customers are:
Join groups
Organize live videos
Answer their questions
Conduct contests and sweepstakes
Offer discount codes
Here we offered to answer questions from our followers. In addition, we added it as a featured story so that every user who follows the brand for the first time, can read the most common questions and ask their own questions.
Practice social listening
Social listening is a monitoring of social channels. This way you can know what they say on these platforms about your brand or company: know what mentions you have, what they say about your competitors, about your products or services, etc.
This is very important if you want your online sales to increase, thanks to everything your users say on social networks you can:
Find new customers interested in your brand.
Answer users who have doubts and you didn’t know anything about them.
Know which products interest your consumers more or less.
Work with brand ambassadors
A brand ambassador is a person who represents a company and is relevant to the target audience.
Brand ambassadors serve to raise awareness of a brand, generate reach and enhance branding. The main objective of this marketing action is for the ambassador to make the brand known and stand out from the competition.
Pay attention to the content you publish!
When someone starts following you on social networks, they can stop following you at any time. That’s why it’s a challenge to get each follower to decide to keep following you. To do this you have to work on the content you publish on social networks:
Create a content calendar to organize your ideas and strategies.
Do not focus only on your online sales through social networks, if you make your platforms too commercial, they will get tired of your accounts.
Analyze what type of publication works best for you and focus your strategy on that.
Even if your main goal is to sell on social networks, you have to know that going overboard with commercial and promotional stuff tires users. Spamming too much is not good for the networks.
Keep your social networks active
For users to be interested in your company you have to have active accounts on social networks. Make a marketing strategy so that users see your posts often. This way they will always have you in mind and when a need arises they will think of your brand to buy.
Be careful, don’t overdo it with publications, if you upload too much content you will end up overwhelming them and they will stop following you.
Analyze your social media strategy
Like all marketing strategies, you have to measure the performance of your efforts to know how your content is working, if you are making too much effort for the results, etc.
Analyzing social networks is not simple, you have to:
See what is the balance of followers since the beginning of your strategy.
If engagement has increased
How the main metrics have evolved: likes, comments, retweets…
Which publications have worked better and why
Which are the publications that have not contributed anything to you
With all this information you will be able to evaluate the strategy: change its weaknesses and reinforce those actions that are having more success among your followers.
There are tools that help you monitor all this data and visualize the information in a simpler way. You can also analyze all social networks at the same time, and not have to do the calculations by hand. Create monthly or quarterly reports of your social networks and analyze the evolution in a simple way.
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