More and more Internet users are using social networks to get information about products and services of interest to them, which is why companies have a great opportunity if they create and improve their presence in these media as part of the strategies to offer their proposal to the market. But something fundamental is to choose the right social networks for your business, because it is useless to be everywhere.
Social networks are ideal platforms if you are trying to achieve the objectives of making your business proposal visible and getting potential customers, however, there are some that are more effective depending on the activity to which companies are dedicated. To discover them, there are several keys to take into account.

To guide your decision when choosing the right social networks for your business, here are some points to take into account:
That is to say, who your product or service is aimed at, ask yourself why they could be your followers and potential buyers. Delimit age range, habits, purchasing power, profession, interests and current needs. These elements will help you select the right social network in which your target audience will have a greater presence and avoid having to invest in vain.
Linkedin, Facebook, TikTok, are very different audiences, and surely not all of them are suitable social networks for your business, so it is a very important factor to take into account.
Choosing the right social networks for your business is a research task quite relevant to your business goals, but first it is essential to define what you want to achieve with this marketing strategy: increase sales, increase the number of followers and customers, gain presence and achieve brand visibility, among others.
It is also important to study your competitors and their strategies, which can offer ideas on how to reach the public, which media are the most suitable or what type of strategy is viable to execute in the different networks. Choosing the right social networks for your business will come in part from what your competitors are doing, especially from the results on their different social profiles.
For a slightly more detailed guide, we advise you to understand the 4 main social networks today.
Main social channels
It has the largest number of users: approximately 2,167 million, making it one of the top social networks. Its audience is made up of 44% women and 56% men between the ages of 18 and 34. Another figure to take into account is that it is the favorite of mature adults between 55 and 65 years of age.
With more than 1.5 billion active users, it is the second search service after Google and for years it has managed to surpass television. This network can work for businesses that direct their strategies towards audiovisuals, generating high quality videos. Men who prefer this network view content about sports and games, while women are entertained by videos about makeup and cosmetics.
With a total of 800 million users, it is a social network in continuous development. It has grown ahead of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest. Women make up 50.4% of users aged between (25-35 years).
This network hosts the most current topics and news. It has 330 million active users between the ages of 25 and 34. One of its main advantages is that it allows immediate communication with your users.
Once you have studied the main elements, select the networks that adapt to your target and start publishing, always taking care of:
The quality of the content; making sure it is of great interest.
The interaction with your followers; that it is done in an appropriate language.
The frequency of publication; make sure it is constant.
I hope this article on the right social networks for your business will be useful and will help you to implement an interesting Social Media strategy. Do not forget that you have to know your target and always offer quality content.
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